South Cache hosts first-ever CCSD Middle School Unified Sports Special Olympics


Students compete in the Unified Sports Soccer Tournament


Tuesday, Oct. 22, marked the first time that CCSD middle schools hosted Unified Sports, a Special Olympics branch focusing on all-student inclusion. Whereas traditional Special Olympics offer opportunities for people with special needs to participate in athletics, Unified Sports involves people of all abilities playing and competing together. Because of its focus on meaningful community-building, Unified Sports is the largest component of Special Olympics’ school outreach programs. 


Cheers erupted across the South Cache Middle School soccer fields as Special Olympians from North Cache, Spring Creek, and South Cache Middle Schools marched in an opening procession. As part of the opening ceremony, Special Olympian students and their peer tutor partners recited the Special Olympic motto: “Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” 


With that, the games were on! Dozens of students and their peer tutors took to the fields, passing the ball and aiming for the goals. Leading a team cheer, a Spring Creek student raised her fist in the air. “We are awesome!” she said. “Let’s go!” Proud parents cheered the students on. One, Ms. Snow, lit up when asked about her daughter. “Kaylee has been talking about this every day for weeks. We even got a soccer ball so we could practice with her! It’s just so good to see her out there.” 


Unified Sports is one component of a district-wide focus on meaningful inclusion and engagement of students with all abilities. Each of our middle and high schools has Peer Tutor opportunities in which students without disabilities work with students with disabilities on their IEP goals, attending general education classes, and accessing social opportunities. These relationships often blossom into lifelong friendships between the students. At our Special Olympics event, peer tutors played soccer, provided water for teammates, and celebrated their teams. “It’s really fun to watch everyone get so excited,” Jaelynn, a North Cache student, said. “I love to help encourage my friends, and I hope they have a good time.” 


Teachers from each school coordinated for months to make the event happen. “It’s the first time our middle schools have done Unified Sports,” Jeni Buist, CCSD Director of Special Education, said. This expansion of the program to our middle schools creates a natural transition to our thriving high school Unified Sports teams. “We have to give the teachers so much credit. They were all-in on this,” Buist continued. 


Students compete in the Unified Sports Soccer Tournament    Students compete in the Unified Sports Soccer Tournament    Students compete in the Unified Sports Soccer Tournament    Students compete in the Unified Sports Soccer Tournament


Teachers, aides, and volunteers coached their teams, provided encouragement, coordinated food, water, and transportation, and led team cheers. “What a special event,” South Cache teacher and event coordinator Trisha Butterfield said. “It’s just so wonderful to have so many people come out and support.” Her colleague, Kate Spaulding, had a message directly for participants. “I want you to remember the feeling of being included and supported by each other, our peer tutors, and the students who came to support you. I want you to enjoy this physical activity. It’s so fun to see you leaving the field with a big smile on your face.” 


Unified Sports and other components of the Special Olympics program are designed for students and families of all grades and abilities to participate. In addition to our Unified Sports, students in our district can engage in other artistic, academic, and cultural endeavors through our Unified Clubs. School programs are eager for student and community volunteers, coaches, and club leaders. If you have time and desire to engage, please contact your school.


Unified Sports Team   Unified Sports Team    South Cache Unified Sports Team