“Driving for Education” Golf Tournament Raises $28,000 for Cache County School District
Under bright blue skies, a welcome reprieve from the recent smoky days in Cache Valley, a row of buzzing golf carts pierced the tree line to the cheers of onlookers. They were off! This was the Cache Education Foundation’s annual “Driving for Education” golf tournament, a unique fundraising event that supports our schools. The tournament has mustered community members and businesses for 23 years.
Driving around the green, it was easy to identify a combination of laughter, concentration, and banter. Some of the sponsoring teams engaged in razor focus as they played each hole. Their aim? The grand prize. Others milled about, chatting with other business representatives, teachers, and over 50 Cache Education Foundation (CEF) volunteers. Various businesses passed out soft drinks, water bottles, and snacks. Resounding support for CCSD teachers and students unified all participants at the event.
Andy Maughan, a representative from Baseline Insurance, was quick to share his enthusiasm for CEF’s mission of “providing quality teaching and learning…through funds and resources received from conscientious community and business members.”
Maughan, a father of two, shared a special message for teachers. “Thank you for all you do.” To the broader community, he added, “Let’s support our teachers and help them out. They have the hardest jobs in the world.”
Beth Heaton, representing Cache Valley Bank, agreed. “Education is foundational for any community, so anything we can do to support that goal, we’re just happy to help.”
Participants in this year’s event raised $28,000 for Cache County School District, 100% of which will fund non-consumable classroom materials that support student learning. Teri Lewis, Executive Director for Cache Education Foundation, was all smiles. “We are so grateful to have the opportunity to raise funds for the schools in CCSD. We have wonderful sponsors and golf teams who support our cause in providing funds for the classrooms. We also appreciate the CCSD administration and teachers who volunteer during the whole event to set things up and make things run smoothly.”
To learn more about the Cache Education Foundation or to donate, please visit https://www.cefut.org/.