River Heights Elementary School Policies
SEP Conferences
Communication is an essential part of the educational program. We feel it is very important for parents to keep in close contact with their child’s teacher. If you need to visit with the teacher, please telephone or schedule a conference at a time that is convenient for all (i.e. before or after school). All teachers may be contacted through e-mail. E-mail addresses are posted on our school web page under the Staff Directory in the Quick Links. The regular Parent/Teacher conferences (SEP’s) will be held in October and February. The first day of conferences students will be released at 1.30 pm. The second day students will not attend school. Kindergarten students will also not attend school on the first day of the conference.
Arrival Time
Students should not arrive earlier than 8:35 a.m unless in a before-school-sponsored activity. We have no supervision on the grounds before this time. Buses arrive at school around 8:50 a.m. If your students eat breakfast at school, they must be in the cafeteria shortly after 8:50 a.m. in order to have time to eat and be to class before the bell rings at 9:00 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 9:05 a.m.
Early Dismissal
When taking a student from school, always check them out at the office. A student must be signed out in the office before a teacher will release him/her. Anyone other than a parent checking a student out of school should be named on the student emergency list that is found on Powerschool. We encourage you to try to schedule your child’s doctor and dental appointments outside of school hours when possible.
Withdrawal of Students
If you are moving and are withdrawing your child from school, please call or come by school a few days prior to the withdrawal date. This will give us time to prepare the paper work.Student Emergency Information
It is very important that we have updated emergency information for each child each year. Please go to Power School to update the information for your students. Click HERE This information is kept on file in case you need to be contacted, and to give us proper direction in case of an emergency. If any information changes during the school year, please let us know promptly so we can make the appropriate changes. Also change this information on the Power School site. Instructions to do this are HERE. Thank You.
We appreciate the excellent cooperation and work of the PTA. We hope you will take the opportunity to join the PTA and help make this a very successful year at River Heights Elementary. If you have any questions about the PTA or you would like to help with the PTA, please contact our PTA president, Katie Norton.
Clothing Identification
All coats, jackets, sweaters, boots, lunch boxes etc., should be identified with student names so we can identify lost articles. The school is not responsible for lost articles, however, we will try to assist with articles that can be identified.
Illness or Accident
If your child becomes ill or is injured at school, we will make him/her as comfortable as possible and then call you immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact someone whom you have listed on your emergency card.
All children are expected to be in attendance each day. Their success and our teachers’ ability to teach all of their students efficiently depends on it. Each day students are taught material that build on the previous days lessons. Absenteeism hinders a child’s progress and learning time for other children is shortened while a teacher has to spent individual time with a student to try and catch them up. Your child’s absence effects other students. Be judicious in the days your student miss from school. Please call the office if your child is going to be absent (753-4948) for that day.
Party Invitations
Often, children use school as a time to distribute party invitations. We ask that this not to be done, for obvious reasons. The children who are left out see this going on and can be hurt by not being included.School Lunch
Children should drop off lunch money first thing in the morning as they arrive at school.
Cache County School District Meal Prices
Click on Cache County School District Meal Prices Link above for current prices.Phone Calls
Teachers cannot take calls between 9:10 a.m. and 3:35 p.m., but the office can take messages for them or students to their classrooms or direct you to their voice mail boxes. School Board Policy states that elementary “student possession/use of cell phones is prohibited. Communication with parents/guardians will be facilitated through the central office of the school.” This includes Smart Watches.School Dress
There appears to be a close relationship between good dress and grooming habits, good work and study habits, and proper school behavior. Student’s clothing should be clean, modest, and safe. Shoes should be worn at all times, no flip-flops or heelies. Clothes and hair that appear to be a costume or extreme in nature detract from the purpose of school, and we request parents to advise their children with regard to what is in “good taste”. Please make sure that shirts and T-shirts with “sayings” printed on them are appropriate for school. We would appreciate parental supervision to avoid inappropriate clothing. Shorts and skirts should be from near knee to mid-thigh. The wearing of tank tops, shirts that expose the midriff, and the wearing of hats inside the building will not be allowed. Please wear clothing appropriate for the weather and for the business of learning.Medication
Medication, including aspirin, cannot be administered by the school. Students who need to take prescribed medication must have the appropriate form signed by the physician, parent and district nurses before the medication can be brought to school. The medication must be left in the office.Appropriate Behavior
It is necessary that children learn to develop self-discipline in order to further their learning. We ask that you discuss with your children the importance and need for good behavior and a good attitude while at school. We will not tolerate bullying, fighting, disrespect toward others, obscene language, or destruction of school property. Students who do not comply with this expectation will be referred to the principal and handled accordingly. If necessary, parents will be called to come to school and help resolve the problem. If students have been victims or witnesses to an act of bullying, hazing or retaliation they may report it directly to the principal. Cache County School District Bullying and Hazing PolicyBicycles
Please use caution when riding bicycles on the school grounds to the bike racks. Bicycles must be locked and left at the bike rack during the day. Students are not to loiter around the bike racks. Skateboards, scooters and roller blades are not to be used during the school day. If a student rides them to school once they get to school, they must carry them to their class or the office to store them for the day. Scooters need to be left at the bike rack.Recess
All children are encouraged to go outside at every recess. Children who have been ill and bring notes from parents requesting that their child stay in must be where there is an adult. Often they are sent to the office while the class is outside. If this is the case they should always be prepared with something to do during that stay.Bus Transportation
Students who are eligible for district transportation to and from school are expected to follow the regulations as outlined by the Board of Education. Students are to behave appropriately at the bus stops and while riding the bus. Those who refuse to obey regulations forfeit their right to ride the bus.General Rules:
- Students will follow the direction of all teachers and playground supervisors and staff.
- Students will behave so that they do nothing that will cause potential harm or annoyance to themselves, another person, or property.
- Students must keep at home: water guns, pocketknives, matches, firecrackers, gum, electronic devices, etc.
- Students will arrive no earlier than 8:35 a.m. and leave within ten minutes after the close of school (unless special arrangements have been made with the teacher or office or they are staying for an approved after school program). The first bell rings at 9:00 a.m. They will be in their seats by 9:05 a.m. so that every opportunity for learning can be maximized. Tardy bell is 9:05 a.m.
- Students will remain on campus during the entire school day unless the parents check the child out through the office.
- Students will not throw objects such as rocks and snow balls on campus.
- Students will eat in the cafeteria only, unless otherwise directed or approved by a school staff member.
- Bikes must be locked in the designated area only.
- Students will keep the playground free from litter.
- Emergency phone numbers must be given to the office and updated as changes occur.
- Students will behave appropriately in the halls and other areas of the school.
- Students will use playground equipment in the manner directed and for which they were designed.
CCSD Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Click here for the Technology Acceptable Use Policy.“Becoming Leaders Today!” is the motto of our school. In all that we do let’s be leaders in doing our best academically and being kind and respectful to our peers and teachers.