- Walk on the right hand side.
- Let others pass.
- Keep hands and feet to self.
- Use inside voices.
- Use appropriate and friendly voices.
- Enter and exit rooms quietly.
- Go straight to where you are going.
- Follow adult directions.
- Use toilet and sink appropriately.
- Get permission.
- Respect other's privacy.
- Use inside voices.
- Flush, wash, and leave.
- Use towels and toilet paper responsibly.
- Leave bathroom area clean and dry.
- Tell and adult about any problems.
- Return to class quickly.
- Walk.
- Carry tray with two hands.
- Use utensils properly.
- Feet on floor, bottom on the bench, food on the table.
- Eat your own food.
- Go out correct door.
- Use inside voices.
- Use appropriate and friendly language.
- Stay in line and wait patiently.
- Hands and feet to self.
- Use a respectful tone of voice.
- Follow adult directions.
- Eat politely.
- Leave your area clean.
- Keep food in lunch room.
- Carefully dump extra food on your tray into the trash.
On the bus/bus stop
- Keep hands and feet to self.
- Stay in your seat.
- Stay in line and wait patiently.
- Enter and exit the bus appropriately.
- Follow the bus driver's rules.
- Use kind words.
- Leave bus area clean.
- Use equipment the right way.
- leave bark and snow on the ground.
- Stay in approved areas.
- Play fairly and include everyone.
- Share equipment.
- Be respectful to others.
- Put equipment away.
- Follow adult directions.
- Toys need to stay home.
- Respond to bell/whistle.
- Get permission to leave.
- Use crosswalk and sidewalk.
- After school walk straight to where you are expected.
- Use appropriate and friendly language.
- Enter the school with an inside voice.
- Hold the door for the person behind you.
- Use bikes, scooters, skateboards responsibly.
- Arrive/leave at the appropriate time.
- Follow adult directions.