After-School Student Pick-up Policy

  • After-School Student Pick-up Policy

    Birch Creek After-School Student Pick-Up Policy

    Birch Creek School Community Council along with the Smithfield City Police Department have spent time creating our After School Pick-Up Policy. During our meetings, student safety has been our number one concern. We are asking that all patrons coming to pick up their children after school continue to follow the policy as outlined below.

    1. When entering the school property from the east, remain in a single file line along the white fence and continue single file until reaching the loading zone.
    2. Cars need to remain in a single file line, pulling forward to fill gaps, as other cars leave the loading zone area. Pulling around other cars to get your child is not permitted. Children who are waiting to be picked up will remain in the loading zone area until you arrive in the loading zone.
    3. Parents need to remain in their vehicle once they have turned onto the school property. Parents that wish to park and walk to get their children need to park along 220 North. The small parking area directly in front of the school is not to be used by parents as a pick-up zone.
    4. All students (including Kindergarten students) will only be allowed to enter cars in the “student loading zone.” This zone will be coned off and is located near the front entrance of the school.
    5. Students must always enter vehicles only on the curbside of the loading zone. Parents parked along 220 North should also have students enter the vehicle on the curbside.
    6. All other cars will continue pulling forward and thereby filling any gaps left in the loading zone.
    7. Once students have been picked-up, vehicles may pull out and exit the loading zone. Cars will leave the pick-up area by only turning RIGHT at 220 North. “Right Turn Only” will be enforced during after school pick-up times. As a School Community Council, we discussed the safety concerns east of the school. The road narrows and creates a bottleneck. This is where the majority of our walkers exit the school property. For the safety of our children, we are asking that all drivers exit to the right (taking an extra minute or two).

    We understand that this policy may not be convenient for all parents. However, safety is our number one concern. We believe that if all patrons abide by this policy, we will have a smooth, safe, afternoon pick up for ALL students. We appreciate your efforts in following this safety policy.

    Birch Creek School Community Council

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