School Handbook

  • Greenville Motto

    Greenville Dragons are ready to Lead when they are Safe, Kind and Responsible.

    School Hours, Arrival Times, and Attendance

    The school hours will be the same for Monday-Friday. The first bell rings at 9:00 a.m. Every day our school day will begin at 9:05a.m. and end at 3:35 p.m. M-TH & 2:20p.m. on Fridays. Please be sure to have your child/children here on time. Each teacher starts the day with important curriculum-based practices. Consistently tardy students miss essential building-block skills throughout the year. Students who have excessive absences also miss critical instruction. All students who arrive tardy must sign in at the office. If your child is going to be absent, please call and inform our school office at 435-750-7888. Please help them be successful by having them in attendance as much as possible. In the interest of safety, please do not drop off your children before 8:35, as there is no supervision before that time.

    Visitor Check-in

    We ask that all visitors check-in at the main office.  Visitors will sign in and be given a name tag. All school doors will remain locked during the school day except the front door.  The playground area is supervised by teachers and aides.  If you desire to talk to or visit with your child during lunch breaks, please check in at the front office and obtain a name tag.

    Dress Code Policy

    Please refer to the Dress Code Policy set by the Cache County School District here.


    The telephones are for school business purposes. Children with legitimate reasons may use the telephone with a note from their teacher. After school friend arrangements should be made at home.  Elementary students are not allowed to have personal cell phones.


    Children may ride their bikes on good weather days. Children should park their bikes in the bike racks and secure them with a lock. We encourage you to talk with your child about bike safety and that you ride to school with your child to demonstrate safe riding practices.  The use of bike helmets is a safety practice we strongly encourage. 


    Child   $1.40
    Weekly   $7.00

    Child   $2.05

    Weekly   $10.25
    Monthly   $41.00
    Adult   $4.00

    We encourage parents to find time to come and eat lunch with their children. You are always welcome but we do appreciate a telephone call to let us know you are coming (750-7888). Lunch schedules vary by class so please call if you plan to visit or you may view the lunch schedule here.

    Electronics, Game Cards (Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, face cards), Heelies, Skateboards, etc.

    For the benefit of everyone's safety on the play ground and the educational integrity of the school, children should not bring skateboards, heelies, roller blades, or winter sliding equipment to the playground. Scooters and skateboards may be ridden but must be secured on the bike racks and will not be allowed in the building.  All toys, game cards, electronics (gameboys, CD players, MPG, PDA, cell phones) should be left at home. Sadly, students misplace, lose, or items get taken or broken. These disruptions compromise the educational program at Greenville.

    CCSD Technology Acceptable Use Policy


    Link to District Policies