River Heights Elementary LEA-Specific Licenses
This school employs individuals holding educator licenses in the following percentages:
- Professional (Percentage of Educators Fully Qualified) - 100%
- Associate (Percentages of Educators Partially Qualified) - 0%
- LEA Specific (Percentage of Educators not Qualified) - 0%
- FTE - 28
Date - October 2024. Changes in CACTUS after this date are not included.
Percentage of Educators Fully Qualified (Professional) - Percentage of the FTE that is fully qualified for their assignment. Fully qualified means the educator has a current professional license and professional license areas and endorsements for their assignments.
Percentages of Educators Partially Qualified (Associate) - Percentage of FTE that is partially qualified for their assignment. Partially Qualified means the educator has an associate license/license area or endorsement in their assignment. This includes professionally licensed educators who have received an associate-level license area/endorsement.
Percentage of Educators not Qualified (LEA-Specific) - Percentage of FTE that is not qualified for their assignment. This includes educators without a current license, educators teaching on an LEA-specific, or a professional or associate educator teaching outside their area. All LEA-specific licenses fall into this category.
FTE - Total Full-time Equivalency (FTE) assigned to each school or to the LEA as of the date of the data being pulled
Cache County District Policy 7000-CCSD-LEA Teacher License/Endorsement states:
I. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to identify CCSD-LEA-Specific licensing / endorsement requirements pursuant to the conditions outlined in Utah Administrative Rule R277-301.
II. Policy: The following procedures are established to identify qualification requirements and guidelines for the issuance of CCSD-LEA-Specific licensing and endorsements.
III. Procedure:
A. Educator License/Endorsement Requirements:
1. CCSD-LEA License Eligibility Criteria: All applicants must:
a. Complete a bachelor's or higher degree in a related field of study; or
b. Have exceptional or specialized occupational experience, training, or expertise related to the area of assignment; and,
c. Complete a criminal background check including review of any criminal offenses and clearance in accordance with Rule R277-214; and,
d. Complete the educator ethics review described in Rule R277-500 within one calendar year prior to the application; and,
e. Complete the following Professional Learning Modules (linked to the USBE website):
i. Educator ethics;
ii. Classroom management and instruction;
iii. Basic special education law and instruction; and
iv. Utah Effective Teaching Standards described in R277-530.
2. CCSD-LEA Endorsement Eligibility Criteria:
a. This authorization is issued for a temporary period upon request from a District administrator for a licensed teacher (LEA, Associate, or Professional) who is not endorsed in the area of assignment.
B. Approval:
1. The application must receive approval from the CCSD Board of Education in a public meeting no more than 60 days prior to the application and include:
a. Explanation for the appointment of a CCSD-LEA-Specific license or endorsement.
2. Applicants placed on a CCSD-LEA-Specific Licenses serve under temporary (at-will) employment agreements subject to termination at any time at the sole discretion of the Cache County School District.
3. A CCSD-LEA-Specific License, license area, or endorsement is valid for up to three years subject to demonstration of adequate progress consistent with the Associate Licensing Plan, successfully putting into effect guidance from an instructional coach, and the observations/recommendations of administration. After three years renewal of the license is subject to the approval or denial of the State Board of Education.
4. A CCSD-LEA-specific license expires immediately if the educator's employment with the District ends and the educator is not rehired as an educator in the next contract year.
5. The District is not authorized to provide an LEA-specific educator license in the area of:
a. Special Education; or
b. Preschool Special Education.
C. CCSD-LEA Specific License Mentoring/Learning Coach Program for pedagogical support.
The CCSD-LEA Specific License incumbent must participate in the following Mentoring Program:
1. The District shall provide a mentoring program by a trained mentor educator who:
a. holds a professional educator license; and
b. is assigned as an instructional coach or equivalent position.
2. A District Instructional Coach will not evaluate the educator; however, all employees to include Instructional Coaches must promptly report educator misconduct in violation of the District’s Code of Conduct found in Policy 1730.
3. An Instructional Coach will help the CCSD-LEA Licensed Educator meet the Utah Effective Educator Standards established in Rule R277-530 by:
a. Assisting the educator with a Self-Assessment (SA).
b. Ensuring that the educator has an Individual Learning Plan (ILP).
c. Meeting regularly with the educator for coaching observations and feedback.
d. Reflecting, reviewing, and reassessing at regular intervals.
4. The Applicant and the District will jointly develop an Associate Licensing Plan to:
a.Encourage transition from a CCSD-LEA license to a Professional License.
b. Identify applicable educational, skill, and/or content knowledge requirements for enrollment in a qualified educator preparation program.
c. Identify paths and opportunities to prepare for the successful passage of a pedagogical performance assessment.
d. Develop significant competency and knowledge sufficient to justify an extension request from the Utah State Board of Education for a continued CCSD-LEA License if a transition to an Associate License is not reasonable or applicable.
D. The District shall post the percent of LEA-specific licenses, license areas, or endorsements on each school's website.
If you are searching for an educator's licensing information in Utah, please refer to the Utah State Board of Education Educator Look-up Tool and type in the first and last name of the educator.