• Cache Education Foundation logoCache Education Foundation


    The 2024-25 Tools for Schools application deadline is Monday, September 30th by 5 p.m.

    The objective of the Tools for Schools mini grant is to provide small grants ($300 or less) for materials to be used in individual classrooms. This grant is to supply materials that can be utilized from year to year, i.e. manipulatives, books, math and science materials, etc.  DO NOT ask for consumables!


    Application Guidelines

    1. All applications must be submitted electronically. (See link below.)
    2. Certified teachers and elementary school specialists may apply. Only one Tools for Schools request per teacher/classroom per year will be considered for funding. (Those who job-share in the same classroom apply for 1/2 the grant amount or jointly for the full amount.) Elementary music, art, and physical education specialists may apply for the full amount.
    3. Requests must be approved by the school principal.   
    4. Do not ask for consumables (dry erase markers, batteries, paper, etc.).
    5. Funding will not be provided for items such as travel, training, conferences, T-shirts, treats & parties as incentives, athletic-related events, field trips, etc.
    6. Tools for Schools grants are not intended to be an ongoing funding source for a specific project. 
    7. Funding will not be provided for software programs unless specifically approved by the technology department.
    8. All technology requests must be ordered through the district.
    9. Tools for Schools grant funds will be forwarded directly to the grant recipient’s school to be managed and accounted for at the school level. 
    10. All grant materials become the property of the Cache County School District. Each school principal has the discretion to move materials to a different classroom or a different school within the district. 
    11. All granted funds must be used by December 31, 2024. Any unused funds are to be returned to CEF on or before January 31, 2025.


    Those teachers who do not use their Tools for Schools money by December 31, 2024, will lose it.  School secretaries will be asked to return those funds to the CEF.

    Due to the number of applications submitted, no variance to the guidelines will be considered

    If you have any questions, please contact the Cache Education Foundation at (435) 755-2022 or email cef@netwasatch.com.


    Click here to submit a 2024-25 Tools for Schools grant application.