School Office Hours
Summer Office Hours
June 10th - June 12th
Mon-Friday 10:00 am-2:00 pm
August 5th - 21st
Mon-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Dates to Remember
Back to School Night
August 20th from 5:15 - 6:30First Day of School (Kindergarten through 6th)
August 22ndPicture Day
September 18th
Letter from Principal Wilson
August 1, 2024
Birch Creek Elementary Parents and Students,
Welcome Back! Summer seems to have flown by this year. It is crazy to think that you are getting ready to send your children back to school. But I can tell you, I’m so excited to see them! As we prepare for the upcoming school year I wanted to share some information with you so that you have time to be prepared for the first day of school, which is Thursday, August 22nd.
Pancakes with the Principal:
First through Sixth graders KEEP ON READING! Once again, we will be celebrating “Pancakes with the Principal” breakfast after Labor Day. Your bookmark filled out equals 400 Reading Minutes during the summer! Be sure to give your completed bookmark to your teacher at Back to School Night or within the first couple days of school! The deadline to turn these in is Tuesday, September 3rd. I will need to get a count of how many students will be participating to make sure we have enough pancakes for everyone. I can’t wait to celebrate everyone’s summer reading success!
Back to School Night:
Our Back to School Night will be held Tuesday, August 20th from 5:15-6:30 PM. It will begin with a brief parent information meeting in the cafeteria at 5:15 PM. This will be about our Title One Status. We get approximately $100,000 in federal funds that help support our Tier II Reading Programs. We are at-risk for losing this funding. Please attend this meeting to learn how you can help. Your support is critical! Beginning at 5:30 PM teachers will be in their classrooms to greet you. This will be an open house format. I know teachers are excited to meet students and parents before the first day of school. Teachers won’t have the luxory to spend a lot of one-on-one time with you. Please set up a separate time to meet if you have specific things you would like to discuss with your child’s teacher.
During the school year, the school sends out general information and reminders via emails, phone calls, and text messages. You are the only one who can update your information and settings in PowerSchool. Without changing your preferences you will not receive text messages. Please go into your account to make sure all numbers, addresses, etc. are accurate. Also please make sure emergency contacts are up to date.
Parent-Teacher Organization:
Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) will have tables set up at Back to School Night for T-shirt sales, interest in fluoride at school, and also a sign up for volunteering. We are in desperate need of parents willing to help this year. If you could commit to help with ONE activity this year we would greatly appreciate it!
Kindergarten Info:
Kindergarten will start on August 22nd with all the other students! If you have opted into ½ day kindergarten this will run from 9:05-12:10 Monday-Thursday. Friday’s schedule will be from 9:05-11:35 AM. All other students will follow the regular bell schedule.
Kindergarten parents, I sent a letter regarding the KEEP Assessment in the middle of July. All kindergarten students need to take this assessment before school starts. This letter had information regarding the online scheduler which opened on July 29th. Make sure you go online and select a time that works best for your schedule. Currently we have set aside August 7th through August 9th for you to bring your child into the school for them to complete this assessment. Kindergarten Class lists will be created once KEEP testing has been completed. You will be notified who your child’s teacher is before Back to School Night.
School Safety is our #1 Priority:
Once school starts ALL doors will be locked. We do have our call-in system where you can contact the front office staff to be let in the building. Make sure you have identification with you. You will still need to stop by the office and sign-in.
Please plan ahead so disruptions for our staff are kept to a minimum.
We are asking the following:
- Have your children at school on time. The first bell rings at 9:00 and the final bell at 9:05. This is when doors will be locked.
- If at all possible please schedule routine appointments outside of school times. (I know this is a huge ask and not always possible.)
- If you need to check your child out, call the office when you are on your way. We will try to have them in the office by the time you get there.
School Community Council:
Birch Creek Elementary has a very supportive School Community Council. This year we are in need of a minimum of 3 parent members to join our council. Please contact me ( or 435-792-7692) if you are interested in serving on the School Community Council. This is a 2-year commitment, with meetings being held at 4:00 P.M. one afternoon each month. The council's main focus is to help develop the School Land Trust Plan. If more parents, than we have openings for, are interested in being a part of this committee we will hold an election for these positions the first week in September.
Free and Reduced Lunch:
We encourage all families to apply for the Free or Reduced School Lunch Program. EVEN if you pack a lunch for your child daily; filling out this application is how we hopefully will be able to maintain our Title I Status. Please fill out an application online. (Free and Reduced-price Lunch Information and Applications). These approved applications help us maintain our Title I status which brings federal monies to the school. Our school receives nearly $100,000 in monies to pay for small group instruction to meet the needs of all students. (All school-aged children in income-eligible households can receive meal benefits regardless of immigration status of household members. Information provided by the household will not be used for immigration-related purposes.)
School and District Policies:
Please review the following district policies with your children: Attendance, Dress Code, FERPA, School Safety, School Fees, Sexual Harassment, Student Discipline, Cell Phone. The Dress Code Policy should also be helpful when shopping for Back-to-School clothes.
Please follow the instructions that will be given to you at Back to School Night. You can also find them on our website. Drop-Off and Pick-Up Guidelines
The abbreviated version is to stay in a single file line moving forward. Students will exit and enter cars in a designated location for their safety.
In the morning please keep in the single file line. Since parents are dropping students off this moves rather quickly.
When picking up, once your child is in your car you can pull out and around other cars so others can continue to move forward in the line. Remember NO parking in this area. We appreciate you following the traffic signs and turning left out of the school drop-off/pick-up area.
Last year we had several parents park in the church parking lot and call their children to cross the road or walk back and forth with their children. With so much traffic this has become extremely dangerous for our children. There are no crosswalks to cross safely. We ask that you be a good example and use the crosswalks to come and get your children. I’m asking teachers to enforce this to keep our children safe. As a reminder the south side of 220 North is a No Parking Zone. Also, do not park along the red curbing, even at pick-up times. This creates really narrow areas for our buses to access the school. It also blocks the line of vision for drivers pulling in and out of the school.
I look forward to another great year at Birch Creek Elementary. My door is always open. Welcome Back to School!
Trudy J. Wilson