• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda

    Friday, December 6, 2024 9:30 am

    1. Pledge: Lance Robins

    2. Thought: Lance Robins- Focus on creating opportunities for Kindness!


    1. Vote on Nominating Committee Individuals to find Pres. Elect, Leg. VP, and Secretary 2025-26

    Adie Krambule, Sara Anderson, Amy Christensen. Alternates: Kendal Welker and Jill Johnson

    A quorum was established- Heather Holmes motioned and Kendal Welker seconded. It was approved. 


    1. Financial Report- Stefani Willie

      • Beginning Balance: $22,523.11

      • Income:  $190.00 (membership, spirit wear, shop to give)

      • Expenditures: $285.43 (Membership dues, safety week, reflections)

      • Total:  $22,588.79


    1. Principal Update- Mr. Robins-  Thank you for the food!  

    • We have had some authors visit lately and it has been so great for the kids.  

    • Discussions regarding feedback from parents and always wanting to collaborate


    1. Service Club- Mr. Mallory

    • World Kindness Day was celebrated at Heritage School and acknowledged in a school district letter.  

    • Christmas Kindness Week- December16th-20th

    • Need volunteers from 11:30-1:00 for hot chocolate on 12/18

    • Kindness ornaments to put on the tree

    • Natalie will be playing the piano

    1. Teacher Representative- Brian Heinsohn

         Acadience Testing Dec 10

    • Need volunteers to help in morning and afternoon


    1. Salad Spot Kickback update- Dec. 10 5:00-8:00 - Rindy Bingham


    1. Book Fair review- Lindsey Johnson


    • In conjunction with parent-teacher conference. Set up was a process and it took more time. Appreciated that kids were on time to school.  Some kids surprised to miss the book fair because it was during parent teacher conferences. Deciding about a second book fair in the spring. 


    1. Holiday Class Parties- Friday Dec. 20 1:20-2:20

      • Room parents are contacting people for help

    1. STEAM Night- January 30 6-7PM- Natalie Peterson

      • Science Fair will be in February and will be discussed at STEAM night


    1. School Wide Literacy book event- Emili Larsen

    • “Heartwood Hotel” by Kallie George

    • Start dates sometime in March


    1. Set Dates for Walkathon in April 15th-17th

      • Discussion of changing motivation system for running

      • Potential change from two days to one


    • PTA Membership: 63- With the staff membership drive, we now have 25 staff PTA members!

    • Thank you to Kendal Welker for organizing the PTC dinner!



    • December 10 Acadience Testing

    • December 13 NO SCHOOL

    • December 20 Holiday Class Parties

    • December 23-January 1 Christmas Break

    • January 30 STEAM Night


    Next Meeting: Friday, January 10 at 9:30, in the art room

    TOTAL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: 16 Heather Holmes, Kendal Welker, Kim Kikkert, Adie Krambule, Rindy Bingham, Stefani Willie, Kristina Johnson, Matt Mallory, Jami Stokes, Emili Larsen, Courtney Walker, Lindsey Johnson, Lauren Pace, Carol DeFriez, Natalie Peterson, Lance Robins


    MINUTES APPROVED BY: 1-    Heather Holmes                               2-Kim Kikkert