Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda
Friday, Oct 11, 2024 9:30 am
- Pledge: Brian Heinsohn
- Thought: Brian Heinsohn- The importance of reading!
- Move $325 from birthday table to general supplies for Ipad for the stripe
- A quorum was established
- Heather made a motion to amend the budget for $325 from birthday table to general supplies. Lauren seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.
- Financial Report- Kim Kikkert
- Started $33,152.73
- Income $1,884.62 (Memberships, T-shirts, Shop to Give Donation)
- Expenditures $12,554.03 (school grant, membership dues for 21 members, t-shirts)
- Balance $22,483.32
- Principal Update- Mr. Robins
- Kindergarten Halloween Party before prep 1:45-2:45
- Appl testing coming
- Kids Empowered starting today
- Service Club- Mr. Mallory
- Clean Up- Sept 25th 8:30 all grades
- November 13th is World Kindness Day Activity
- Teacher Representative- Brian Heinsohn
- Thank you for all of the Acadience Testing help
- Reflections Awards Night Nov 7 at 6:00– Emily Rigby
- 67 entries! The most we have received.
- Safety Week Oct 28-Nov 1 – Heidi Burton and Betsy Stromberg
- Bike Pedestrian Safety: Be Seen! Wear Neon or Tie Dye
- Online Safety: Protect Your Mind! Crazy Hair or Wear a Hat
- Drug Free: Walk Away from Drugs! Wear Red or Green with Crazy Socks lunch time activities
- Halloween Safety: Be Safe & Aware! Wear Costume
- Costume Parade 9:10 in the circle
- Mental Health: Be Kind we are all on the same team! Wear a Jersey or School Spirit
- Lunch time activities
- Halloween class activities- Oct 31st 2:30-3:30 – room parents have been emailed
- Halloween Parade Oct 31st 9:10- start with Kindergarten and go up
- Valentine Party- what are teachers thoughts? They will continue to do what they have been doing.
- Final spirit wear order due Oct 25
- Library Update: No cash at book faire only cards during parent/teacher conference. Will still need volunteers.
- PTA Membership: 43
- Thank you to Courtney Walker for doing the Spirit Wear and monthly newsletters!
- Thank you to Emily Rigby for organizing Reflections!
- October 17th-18th Fall Break, NO School
- October 28th-November 1st Safety Week
- October 31st Halloween parade and class activites
- November 7th at 6:00 Reflections Awards Night
- Parent Teacher Conference Nov. 21-22nd.
Next Meeting: November 8 at 9:30, in the art room
TOTAL MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE:15 (*Heather Holmes, *Kim Kikkert, *Betsy Stromberg, Heidi Burton, *Kendal Welker, *Jill Johnson, Lance Robins, *Lindsey Johnson, *Courtney Walker, *Lauren Pace, *Kristina Johnson, *Adie Krambule, *Jami Stokes) *PTA members
MINUTES APPROVED BY: 1- Heather Holmes 2-Kim Kikkert