please remember the school dress code
    • Dress Code

      Another great school year is about to end and warm weather is finally here!  With this nice weather change it's natural to want to wear shorts and summer apparel.  Parents and students, please be aware and remember the Cache County School District’s Dress Code Policy. 

      Please make sure your student comes dressed appropriately for school, according to the Dress Code below.  


      Dress, Grooming, Personal Property

      Purpose:   The following dress code has been designed to support a positive learning environment.  Students should be neat, clean, and modest in their dress and grooming, complying with the following:

      • Clothing or personal property must not be excessively soiled, unsanitary, torn, or ragged.   Jeans with holes above the knees are not permitted.

      • Clothing must not be revealing, distracting, disruptive, lewd, vulgar, or abbreviated.  Shorts and skirts must be worn near the knee – no mini-skirts, or short shorts.  Shorts and skirts should be near the knee whether or not leggings are worn.

      • Clothing must completely cover underwear or areas of the body normally covered with underwear, regardless of whether or not the shirt is tucked in.  Pants should fit snugly around the waist.

      • Pajamas or sleepwear, including slippers, are not appropriate.

      • Upper clothing must have sleeves that cover and go over the shoulders.  No tank tops or halter tops.  Necklines must be modest.

      • Clothing, skin, or possessions cannot have references to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gangs, sex, hate, or bigotry.

      • Hats, caps, headscarves, bandanas, sunglasses, or heavy chains are not allowed.

      • Shoes or sandals are required.  Shoes with rollers are not allowed.

      • No Skateboards, roller blades, water guns, chains, spikes, or any kind of weapon or look-alike weapon, etc. is allowed.

      If safety is a concern, a more rigid standard may be required.  Parents, we appreciate your help in this sensitive area.


    • CCSD Dress Code Policy

      • Adoption Date: 7/1/1986, Revised: 7/1/1989; 02/01/2008 


        A. Student
        II-A10 Rules of Conduct


        a. Dress Code Policy

        Purpose: The courts, state, and federal laws, as well as Cache County School District, require an atmosphere at school which provides for a safe, orderly, and distraction-free learning environment. The following dress code policy has been designed to support such an environment.  Please remember that the dress code policy applies to all students whether attending school or any school function (as participant or member of the audience).

        There appears to be a close relationship between good dress and grooming habits, good work and study habits, and proper school behavior. If clothing, hair style, or personal adornment is causing a disruption in school or at any school function, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

        Disruption is defined as, but not limited to, reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/administrator to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.

        Responsibilities: Adherence to dress and grooming standards is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents/guardians. Enforcement of the school’s dress code and standards is the responsibility of the school administration, faculty, and staff. Students that do not comply with a teacher’s request will be referred to the school administration for corrective action. Consequences for the violation of the dress code are listed in each school’s student handbook.  Any item which violates the dress code may be confiscated and not returned to the student or parent at the discretion of the school administration or law enforcement.

        All schools are expected to enforce the following guidelines.  Individual schools may add to this policy with School Board approval.  It is recognized that activities may arise that call for variations; therefore, exceptions to this policy may be made for special occasions only when so designated by the school administration.

        The Cache County School District has established the following guidelines to aid parents and students in selecting proper school attire:
        (1)  Students should be clean and well groomed (hair, clothes, cosmetics).  If safety is a factor, more stringent standards may be applied.
        (2)  Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times while on campus.
        (3)  Except for religious or medical purposes, hats, caps, and other head coverings shall not be worn or displayed inside school facilities during school hours.
        (4)  Clothes shall sufficiently cover undergarments at all times.
        (5)   See-through or net fabrics, halter-tops, off-the shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs, and muscle shirts (sleeveless/bare midriff shirts) are prohibited.
        (6)   Shorts and skirts must be near the knee.
        (7)   Clothing, jewelry, personal items (backpacks/bags, binders, bandannas, etc.), and skin shall be free of writing, pictures, symbols, insignia, or color combinations which:

        (a) Communicate crude, profane, or sexually suggestive messages
        (b) Displays drug, alcohol, or tobacco advertising, promotion, or likenesses
        (c) Advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice
        (d) Represent or give evidence to gang membership or affiliation

        (8)  Metal accessories that present a hazard to the health or safety of the wearer or others are prohibited on school grounds.