• Heritage Elementary RISE Data for 2023-24
    3rd Grade State District
    Heritage Elementary
    ELA 46% 61% 57% Percent Proficient
    Math 49% 67% 77% Percent Proficient
    4th Grade State District
    Heritage Elementary
    ELA 44% 58% 57% Percent Proficient
    Science 50% 64% 67% Percent Proficient
    Math 50% 68% 67% Percent Proficient
    5th Grade State District
    Heritage Elementary
    Writing 5/10 6/10 7/10 average score
    ELA 48% 59% 68% Percent Proficient
    Science 51% 64% 72% Percent Proficient
    Math 45% 62% 75% Percent Proficient
    Keyboarding     89% Percent Proficient
    6th Grade State District
    Heritage Elementary
    ELA 47% 56% 63% Percent Proficient
    Science 56% 68% 77% Percent Proficient
    Math 36% 53% 67% Percent Proficient
    Overall Scores State District Heritage Elementary
    Writing 5/10 6/10 7/10 average score
    ELA 46% 59% 61% Percent Proficient
    Science 52% 65% 72% Percent Proficient
    Math 45% 63% 72% Percent Proficient


    Heritage Reading Acadience Data for 2023-24
    Reading beginning middle end of year  
    Kindergarten 54% 79% 93% Percent Proficient
    1st Grade 61% 79% 83% Percent Proficient
    2nd Grade 90% 98% 86% Percent Proficient
    3rd Grade 73% 83% 75% Percent Proficient
    4th Grade 84% 82% 85% Percent Proficient
    5th Grade 77% 76% 79% Percent Proficient
    6th Grade 88% 91% no testing Percent Proficient


    Heritage Math Acadience Data for 2023-24
    Math beginning middle end of year  
    Kindergarten 58% 45% 81% Percent Proficient
    1st Grade 64% 77% 61% Percent Proficient
    2nd Grade 65% 73% 86% Percent Proficient
    3rd Grade 65% 75% 68% Percent Proficient
    4th Grade no testing no testing no testing Percent Proficient
    5th Grade no testing no testing no testing Percent Proficient
    6th Grade no testing no testing no testing Percent Proficient


    State Keyboarding assessment 4's 3S 2's 1's
    Heritage 5th grade 64 26 10 1
    5th grade State Keyboarding assessment: 89% Percent Proficient


    Principal: Lance Robins