Ridgeline High School
Community Council Meeting
October 24, 2023, 7 a.m.
1. Welcome - Mandy
2. Approval of Minutes - Bardett
- Motion to approve: Jennylynn
- Second: Phil Wade
3. School Update
- Parent Liaison
- RAP & Nest
- Solution Tree Conference
Bardett gave updates on how the funded things above are working, the students they are serving and how they work within the school. There was also an update on teachers that attendeed Solution Tree to learn about Professional Learning C ommunities and how to make them better function in our school.
4. PTC Feedback
PTC feedback was positive. Although not many parents attend, the parent consensus is that parents like the opportunity to meet with teachers face to face. Those that come appreciate it.
5. Lockdown Drill 10/26
There will be a lockdown drill on 10/16. Letting parents know it is a drill as to not cause panic on that day.
6. Counselor Minute - Jenn
Jenn reported on counseling activities. College admissions week coming up, scholarship nights, and other activities the counselors are doing.
7. Other:
In attendance:
- Mandy Donovan
- Tenille Philips
- Jennylyn Little
- Phil Wade
- Adam Shelton
- Ryan Webb
- Val Damuni
- Bardett Bagley
- Deanna Stallings
- Nichole Perkins