Community Council minutes
Tuesday May 21, 2024
1. Welcome - Mandy
2. Approved minutes from last meeting
Motion to approve: Tennille Philips
Second: Nicole Perkins
3. Testing Update
ACT and Aspire scores are back. Update on completed testing and quick rundown of the few results we have so far
4. Next year changes
- Hawk Hour decision and description
- Hawk Hour - one lunch, 1/2 designated flex time if needed, other 1/2 lunch
- Riverhawk Academy class
- Riverhawk Academy Class - for all freshman to learn behavioral and social skills
5. Counselor Minute
- Jenn Loscher presented final statistics about counseling data projects and scholarship totals received.
- Accountability and Data Project
- 7 million dollars in scholarships awarded to our seniors this year.
6. Invite more parents to join Community Council
Talk to neighbors and other parents to let me know about serving on the community council.
7. Thank you
8. In attendance:
- Mandy Donavan
- Jennylynn Little
- Nicole Perkins
- Val Damuni
- Jenn Loshcer
- Adam Shelton
- Bardett Bagley
- Deanna Stallings
- Phil Wade
- Ryan Webb
- Tennille Phillips
- Hawk Hour decision and description