Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda
Friday April 12, 2024 9:30am
1. Thought: Natalie Peterson
2. Pledge: Natalie Peterson
4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen
5. Principal update - Mr. Robins
6. Service Club update- Mr. Mallory
Kindness Night May 10
7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez - ELL night
8. School Wide Book prizes/ any changes for next year?- Emili Larsen & Jami Stokes
9. Walkathon April 16, 17- Heather Holmes
Timeline- packets sent home this week, April 26th last day to return $
School wide Incentives- duck taping Mr. Robins
10. Reading Counts update- Kendal Welker
Planning ice cream party for about 125 kids/#’s for t-shirts
11. Teacher Appreciation- Natalie Peterson
12. Super Kids Day May 30- Gentri Fairbourne
13. 6th Grade Graduation May 31- Jami Stokes
Thank you to Rindy and Jami for organizing McDonalds kickback we got $1000!
Thank you to Emili and Jami for organizing the School Wide Book!
Reading Counts last cut off is May 9th and Ice cream party for kids with 250pts is May 24
Courtney Walker will be taking over Spirit Wear next year and would love some volunteers
April 15-16 Walkathon
April 23 Acadience Testing
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9 Reading Counts last cut off
May 24 Reading Counts ice cream party 1pm
May 30 Super Kids Day
May 31 6th grade celebration
Next Meeting: Friday May 10th 9:30 Hours Reported: