• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda

    Friday April 12, 2024 9:30am


       1. Thought: Natalie Peterson

       2. Pledge: Natalie Peterson



       4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen


       5. Principal update - Mr. Robins


       6. Service Club update- Mr. Mallory

    Kindness Night May 10


       7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez - ELL night


       8. School Wide Book prizes/ any changes for next year?- Emili Larsen & Jami Stokes


       9. Walkathon April 16, 17- Heather Holmes

    Timeline- packets sent home this week, April 26th last day to return $

    School wide Incentives- duck taping Mr. Robins


      10. Reading Counts update- Kendal Welker

    Planning ice cream party for about 125 kids/#’s for t-shirts


      11. Teacher Appreciation- Natalie Peterson


     12. Super Kids Day May 30- Gentri Fairbourne


     13. 6th Grade Graduation May 31- Jami Stokes



    • Thank you to Rindy and Jami for organizing McDonalds kickback we got $1000!

    • Thank you to Emili and Jami for organizing the School Wide Book!

    • Reading Counts last cut off is May 9th and Ice cream party for kids with 250pts is May 24

    • Courtney Walker will be taking over Spirit Wear next year and would love some volunteers



    April 15-16 Walkathon

    April 23 Acadience Testing

    May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

    May 9 Reading Counts last cut off

    May 24 Reading Counts ice cream party 1pm

    May 30 Super Kids Day

    May 31 6th grade celebration

    Next Meeting: Friday May 10th 9:30 Hours Reported: