• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda

    Friday March 8, 2024 9:30am


       1. Thought: Emili Larsen- “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”- Helen Keller

       2. Pledge: Emili Larsen


    VOTING ITEMS- -a Quorum was established

       3. PTA Board for 2024-25

    A. President: Heather Holmes

    B. Pres Elect: Kim Kikkert

    C. Secretary: Adie Krambule

    D. Treasurer:

    E. Legislative VP: Kristina Johnson



       4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen

    • Started 16,329.38

    • Income- 400.00

    • Expenditures- 25.68

    • Final Total- 16,525.10



       5. Principal update - Mr. Robins

    • Thank you for continued time and support! Thank you for food on Parent Teacher Conferences. 

    • PTA Facebook Page- best way to have administrator over it going forward. Shalayne has done a great job of managing it. Ryndi will be helping from the PTA

      • Discussion regarding designation of responsibilities and monitoring of FB.  

      • Discussions of whether or not to have the open post option.

    • Halloween idea for next year- Halloween parade so parents and kids can come

    • Maturation Assembly 3/21-  All 5th graders.  All parents are invited to attend.

    • Thank you to Kendal for heading up reading counts. 

       6. Service Club update- Mr. Mallory

    • Kindness week dates- May 6th- 10th kindness week. May 10th is kindness night.

      • Dunk Tank, Teacher Volunteers,

      • Other incentives

      • Looking for service project for kindness night

        • Build an emotional health tool kit

        • Refugee help kit



       7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez 

    • Thank you so much for the food!

    • Thank you for the efforts with the School Wide Book

    • ELL night May 2nd.


       8. School Wide Book update- Emili Larsen & Jami Stokes

    • Daily Question Volunteers

    • Jami-Monday

    • Kim-Tuesday

    • Courtney-Wednesday

    • Heather-Thursday

    • Emili- Friday


       9. Mcdonald’s Kick back night @ South Logan McDonald’s March 2oth 5-8pm- Rindy

    • Would like to have Teacher, Administrator, and PTA member volunteers to help

    • McDonald’s will donate cookies for us to sell. 100% of the proceeds from cookies will go to PTA. 

    • 20% of all proceeds during that time will go to the PTA. 

    • Will send out a sign up spreadsheet


      10. PTA founder’s day update- Kristina Johnson

    • Got to meet with various senators 

    • Preparing in advance for next year to understand the Bill’s in play


      11. Reading Counts update- Kendal Welker

    • Things are about the same

    • April 8th is the next cut off 

    • Final cut off day is May 1oth


     12. Walkathon April 16, 17- Heather Holmes

    • Timeline- day to send home info April 11th /last day for money to be turned in April 26th

      • School wide Incentives

      • Duck taping Mr. Robins at Lunch 

      • Online donation options as well


     13. Super Kids Day May 30- Gentri Fairbourne


    14.  Thank you for help with Acadience Testing!

    • Need volunteers April 23rd- 9:05-afternoon 



    • Thank you to Kendal Welker for doing the PTC Food!!

    • Thank you to everyone that helped with the Book Fair

    • CCSD calendar has been released for next year



    April 1-5 Spring Break- no school

    April 16-17 Walkathon

    April 23 Acadience Testing

    May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

    May 6-10 Kindness Week

    May 30 Super Kids Day

    Next Meeting: Friday April 12th 9:30 Hours Reported: