Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda
Friday March 8, 2024 9:30am
1. Thought: Emili Larsen- “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”- Helen Keller
2. Pledge: Emili Larsen
VOTING ITEMS- -a Quorum was established
3. PTA Board for 2024-25
A. President: Heather Holmes
B. Pres Elect: Kim Kikkert
C. Secretary: Adie Krambule
D. Treasurer:
E. Legislative VP: Kristina Johnson
4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen
Started 16,329.38
Income- 400.00
Expenditures- 25.68
Final Total- 16,525.10
5. Principal update - Mr. Robins
Thank you for continued time and support! Thank you for food on Parent Teacher Conferences.
PTA Facebook Page- best way to have administrator over it going forward. Shalayne has done a great job of managing it. Ryndi will be helping from the PTA
Discussion regarding designation of responsibilities and monitoring of FB.
Discussions of whether or not to have the open post option.
Halloween idea for next year- Halloween parade so parents and kids can come
Maturation Assembly 3/21- All 5th graders. All parents are invited to attend.
Thank you to Kendal for heading up reading counts.
6. Service Club update- Mr. Mallory
Kindness week dates- May 6th- 10th kindness week. May 10th is kindness night.
Dunk Tank, Teacher Volunteers,
Other incentives
Looking for service project for kindness night
Build an emotional health tool kit
Refugee help kit
7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez
Thank you so much for the food!
Thank you for the efforts with the School Wide Book
ELL night May 2nd.
8. School Wide Book update- Emili Larsen & Jami Stokes
Daily Question Volunteers
Emili- Friday
9. Mcdonald’s Kick back night @ South Logan McDonald’s March 2oth 5-8pm- Rindy
Would like to have Teacher, Administrator, and PTA member volunteers to help
McDonald’s will donate cookies for us to sell. 100% of the proceeds from cookies will go to PTA.
20% of all proceeds during that time will go to the PTA.
Will send out a sign up spreadsheet
10. PTA founder’s day update- Kristina Johnson
Got to meet with various senators
Preparing in advance for next year to understand the Bill’s in play
11. Reading Counts update- Kendal Welker
Things are about the same
April 8th is the next cut off
Final cut off day is May 1oth
12. Walkathon April 16, 17- Heather Holmes
Timeline- day to send home info April 11th /last day for money to be turned in April 26th
School wide Incentives
Duck taping Mr. Robins at Lunch
Online donation options as well
13. Super Kids Day May 30- Gentri Fairbourne
14. Thank you for help with Acadience Testing!
Need volunteers April 23rd- 9:05-afternoon
Thank you to Kendal Welker for doing the PTC Food!!
Thank you to everyone that helped with the Book Fair
CCSD calendar has been released for next year
April 1-5 Spring Break- no school
April 16-17 Walkathon
April 23 Acadience Testing
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6-10 Kindness Week
May 30 Super Kids Day
Next Meeting: Friday April 12th 9:30 Hours Reported: