Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda
Friday, February 9, 2024 9:30 am
1. Thought: Rindy Bingham
2. Pledge: Rindy Bingham
4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen
Beginning Balance Jan
16, 287.19
249.38 kick back
356.36 reading counts, science fair
5. Principal update - Mr. Robins- at a conference in Texas
6. Service Club update- Mr. Mallory
The kids loved the mirrors and the lesson- thank you!
Would like to send a video each month explaining his lessons each month
Wrapping up the food drive
7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez
8. Science Fair- Catherine did amazing! Any feedback? Next year hoping to do STEAM night in January (& have registration forms for science fair there) and then doing Science fair in February so they are closer together.
9. Feb 29- March 1 Parent Teacher Conference food for teachers- Kendal Welker
Sent out teacher survey- would like potato bar
Will send another survey in the fall
Reading counts sent out today and put a note for teachers to return the bags
10. School Wide Book starts Feb 29- update from Emili Larsen and Jami Stokes
Letter to the teachers is ready
Book mark and parent letter is ready to send out
Books should be here by March 6th. Hoping to get them out by March 8th and finish Friday before Spring Break.
Daily fruity where kids can stop in to get a prize if they have read starting March 11th.
Looking for volunteers to help handout the prizes 8:30-9:05
Would like to do a family date night for the prize if the families finish the books
11. Mcdonald’s Kick back night March 2oth 5-8pm- Rindy (south Logan McDonald’s)
The teachers can volunteer
They give free cookies to sell that we get 100% of the proceeds.
Setting up a QR code that will attach to member hub
Suggested wearing heritage gear
12. Walkathon April 16, 17- update from Heather Holmes
Tues and Wed
Starting to get donations from businesses
Incentive ideas
13. Book Fair (Feb 27th- March 1st)
Sent home flyers looking for volunteers
There will be one day for after school Book Fair
Kids can purchase during Library time
14. Acadience Testing (April 23rd and May 15th)
Need volunteers (2-3 ppl at a time)
Thank you to Catherine Wells for doing the Science Fair! It was awesome!!
Welcome to Adie Krambule- our new PTA Secretary!
PTA founders day at the capital is today- Kristina Johnson our Legislative VP is there now
Feb 16 no school
Feb 19 no school
Feb 26 Trimester prep day- no school
Feb 29 School Wide Book
Feb 29- March 1 Parent Teacher Conferences
April 1-5 Spring Break- no school
April 15-16 Walkathon
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
Next Meeting: Friday March 8th 9:30 Hours Reported: 62