• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda

    Friday Oct 20, 2023 9:30am


       1.    Thought: Jami Stokes

       2.    Pledge: Jami Stokes



       3.    Increase Safety week budget from 150 to $200

    • A quorum was established - Unanimous vote to approve



       4.    Financial Report- Emili Larsen

    • September Balance $25,775.71
    • Income- t-shirts $1,547, Memberships $130, and Kickback (Aloha Snow) $201.10 TOTAL $1,878.10
    • Expenditures – Insurance $198.20, Dues $202.50, Field Trip $8,856.00, Admin Supplies $92.56, Literacy Prizes $160.50, and t-shirts $1,213.98 TOTAL $10,723.74
    • Balance end of September $18,142.47


       5.    Principal Update - Mr. Robins

    • Doors- Stone (security company) are putting on all new door readers. There will be a central office button that can lock all doors with the push of the button.
    • Portables will all have fob readers but they will not link during the main button lockdown.
    • Local Bond Meeting is at Ridgeline (or every other High School)
      • MC Wednesday Oct. 25th @ 6:30PM
      • Oct. 23rd at 6:30 pm - Sky View HS
      • Oct. 25th at 6:30 pm - Mountain Crest HS
      • Nov. 2nd at 6:00 pm - Public Meeting (Board Meeting)
      • Nov. 6th at 6:30 pm - Ridgeline HS
      • Nov. 8th at 6:30 pm - Green Canyon HS
    • Breakdown of what you are voting on:
      • New 6th-8th grade middle school in Hyde Park
      • New 6th-8th grade middle school in Nibley
      • New elementary school in Hyde Park
      • Conversion of Spring Creek Middle School to an elementary school 
      • Secured School Entryways and Other Safety Improvements
    • Yesterday Car ran over a – All streams are a river, Fire department came to fix it.
    • Big thank you to all volunteers who have come to do all the hours of service.
    • Volunteers needed to walk the Hallways on Halloween day.



       6.    Service Club- Mr. Mallory

    • Trying to be more careful with wording of activities.
    • Can go past the 31st for the Spelling Bee – meeting today to discuss teachers’ thoughts.


       7.    Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez

    • Trying to be more careful with wording of activities.
    • Can go past the 31st for the Spelling Bee – meeting today to discuss teachers’ thoughts. May not be interested, but will be decided by the end of the day.


       8.    Reflections- Awards night for all participates Nov 29th @ 5:30– Emily Rigby

    • 42 entries total – no need for judges.
    • Setup for awards night is at 4:30 PM if anyone wants to help with that.
    • Thank you to Emily for organizing and decorating it all.


       9.    Safety Week Oct 30- Nov 3 Report- Heidi Burton

    • Monday- Pedestrian safety – Wear Neon’s
    • Tuesday- Halloween + Tips for Trick or Treating – Wear your Costumes
    • Wednesday- internet safety - Crazy Hair/Crazy Socks
    • Thursday- Mental Health Awareness – Wear a Jersey  
    • Friday- Don’t do Drugs – Hat Day/Wear Red
      • Fire department and Police Officer – day to be assigned
      • Glow sticks will be handed out via teacher boxes or classrooms Tuesday for Halloween + Tootie Fruties for the first day


      10.   Vision Screening Oct 20th – today

    • Got the needed volunteers


      11.    Halloween class activities Oct 31st 2:30-3:30- room parents have been emailed

    • Parent email reminder will go out again today
    • Thank you from Mr. Robins for all parents helping with that!
    • Costume Guidelines – Most kids will remember being in Mr. Robins or Mr. Mallory’s office for the rest of their life – please help us not have those experiences with your kids. However, do know that we are trying to make this a positive impact.


    12.    STEAM Night, Thurs Nov 9th 6-7:30-

    A. Need 6-10 volunteers to bring science projects and demos for tables

    B. Layout of where the companies and demos need to go (classrooms/gym etc.)

    C. Can Lonnie set up tables or do we need to set up?

    D. Set up for community partners/ companies will be 5-6pm (have 10 confirmed)

      • Science related tables, USU art, water lab, etc. 10 different demos in the gym. PTA needs volunteers to be in charge of a few tables.
      • It will all fit in the Stage/Gym, but could be expanded to the foyer – Open house style – Come and go as needed.
      • Flyers will be coming out soon, we were the last to sign up, but its right after Halloween.
      • The Budget can reimburse you for a table if you decide to do one.
      • More information will be posted on Facebook later today.
      • Hopefully it’s an easy activity to run and we can continue this in the future.
      • Possibility of the Kindness committee helping with a station.
      • Google (or Sign-up Genius) Sign-up Sheet for them to sign up on.
      • Setup will start at 5PM, the night starts at 6PM
      • Volunteers will be needed to help setup tables


     13.    Spelling B- January 18th 6pm @ Cedar Ridge- We’ve been invited to participate

    • Covered above on item #7.
    • 5 Students can be sent- Only for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade.



    • PTA membership- 39
    • Thank you to Kendal for organizing PTC teacher luncheons this year!
    • Thank you, Emily Rigby, for organizing Reflections!



    Oct 30-Nov 3- Safety Week

              Nov 9th- STEAM night 6-7:30

              Nov 22-27- Thanksgiving Break


    Next Meeting: Friday November 10th 9:30                 Hours Reported: 37