Cache school bus

CCSD and LCSD Bus Stops & Boundaries

    • The Cache County Schools Transportation Department provides transportation to the Cache County and Logan City School Districts. Because of variances in people's clock times, students must be at the stop five minutes before the scheduled time.


      Please click on the appropriate button below for information on bus routes, stops, and school boundaries.


      Here are some tips for finding your bus stop:

      1. Click on the school for the stops you want to find.
      2. Click on either AM or PM stops on the left menu.
      3. Click on the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the left menu.
      4. Enter your address. This will put a small red dot on the address you are looking for and also zoom your view in.
      5. Zoom out to find the stop closest to the address.
      6. Click on the stop. That will give you the bus number, time, and stop location.


      **This page is best viewed on a desktop rather than mobile device.**

Transportation Contact Information

      Questions regarding bus stops and boundaries:
          Jaren Gunnell 792-7628