• Student Government

    Student Leadership - Bulldog Leadership Team
    Students may apply to participate in the Bulldog Leadership Team (BLT) at the beginning of their 8th grade school year. Typically, 8-12 students are chosen through an application process that requires a student essay submission and teacher recommendation. If students are chosen for the BLT, they maintain placement on the team by sustaining passing grades in all classes, receiving good citizenship grades (Satisfactory or Honorable), attending monthly BLT meetings with staff advisor(s), and assisting in planning and carrying out school activities and projects as directed by school staff. Students may be removed from student leadership for any behavior that is not considered exemplary, as outlined in a contract that members sign upon joining the team.

    Students who qualify by maintaining 3.0 or better in all classes, maintaining good citizenship grades, and have been elected by student and staff vote may serve at Green Canyon or Sky View Freshmen as class officers.  (“F” or “I” grades are NOT allowed, nor are any citizenship grades of “U”.  Two “N’s” during the current year will also disqualify you.)  A minimum of 90% attendance is required. Students may be removed from student leadership for any behavior that is not considered exemplary.