• Absences Procedures:

    ● Students arriving after school has begun need to report to the office for an admit slip and will not be admitted to class without it. A parent/guardian should accompany their student into the school to officially check them in or call the Attendance Secretary, 792-7729, to explain the reason for being late.

    ● School activity absences will be automatically school excused.

    ● Absences must be verified by a parent/guardian within one week after the absence. The school attendance phone number is 792-7729.

    ● After being absent, it is the student’s responsibility to contact their teachers, make-up any missed work, and return it in a timely manner.

    ● If your student has been marked incorrectly in a class, please have your student speak with the teacher directly the following day to have the attendance adjusted. This information can be found in Powerschool.

    ● It is best to contact teachers directly regarding missed work. Additionally, students and parents/legal guardians are encouraged to utilize applicable teachers’ Canvas pages to access missed work.


     School Interventions for Absences (Reset each trimester):

    ● 45 class periods (7 days) = 1st Attendance concern will receive a call home.

    ● 60 class periods (10 days) = 2nd Attendance letter mailed, student meeting with counselor to evaluate & discuss strategies to improve attendance.

    ● 90 class periods (15 days) = 3rd Attendance letter mailed, mandatory meeting between administration and legal guardian/parent(s).

    ● 10 consecutive days = State Law requires the student to be unenrolled from the school.