School Goals and Funding 2023-2024
Utah State Board of Education School LAND Trust Website
2023-2024 White Pine School LAND Trust Plan and Funding
- Kindergarten through 5th grade students will increase the middle of year Acadience benchmark data to 80% in 2023-2024.
- White Pine Reports School Land Trust Website
- Funding - $60,446
- Action Steps
- Kindergarten through 5th grade students will increase the middle of year Acadience benchmark data to 80% in 2023-2024.
1. Reading paraprofessionals will provide student support through skill based targeted reading groups.
2. Technology resources will be updated and new components added. This includes replacing outdated Chromebooks and teacher computers as well as adding additional needed components. These devices will be used to improve teaching strategies to support this reading goal.
3. A substitute will be needed once a month to allow teachers to attend IEP meetings and provide input regarding accommodations and progress towards academic goals.
4. Teachers will review Acadience progress monitoring each month during grade level PLCs. They will also meet 2-3 times a year with the reading facilitator to review this data and adjust student support as needed.
2023-2024 White Pine TSSA Plan and Funding
- Goal 1 - 50% of 1st-6th grade students will be at or above their grade level on the middle-of-year(MOY) i-Ready assessment. The 2022-2023 MOY data shows that we have 40% of our students at or above grade level on the MOY assessment.
- Action Steps
- Math paraprofessionals will provide support to at risk students through targeted skills instruction under the direction of the teacher. The iReady program will also be used to support independent instruction and monitor student progress throughout the year.
Technology components needing to be replaced (teacher computers, projectors, chromebooks, etc) will be purchased to supplement the math instruction.
- Math paraprofessionals will provide support to at risk students through targeted skills instruction under the direction of the teacher. The iReady program will also be used to support independent instruction and monitor student progress throughout the year.
- Funding for Goal 1- $63,550
- Action Steps
- Goal 2 - Provide additional support for student mental health, social skills, positive behavior reinforcement, and overall student support by having a full time counselor at our school. The counselor will provide needed support to high need students and classes.
- Action Steps
- The counselor will work closely with district supervisors and peers to follow the district programs and focus. The counselor will also work closely with school administration and teachers to determine areas of needed support.
- Funding for Goal 2- $19,703
- Action Steps
- Goal 1 - 50% of 1st-6th grade students will be at or above their grade level on the middle-of-year(MOY) i-Ready assessment. The 2022-2023 MOY data shows that we have 40% of our students at or above grade level on the MOY assessment.