• The Dragon Flier

Primcipal's Message


    Welcome to February Everyone!

    January was a terrific month with students and teachers focusing on being ‘Ready to Learn.’ It was awesome to see all our students participating in last month's character trait. 

    I want to let you all know that we appreciate all that you do and the support you provide for us here at Greenville. It's amazing to see a community rallying around and supporting their school. It provides and ensures a supportive environment  and culture for these kiddos.

    I wanted to drop a quick reminder that the doors to the school are not open till 8:35. Please remind your students that the teachers are using this time to prep and get ready for the day.

    Thank you for another great month at Greenville! I hope that February is a fabulous month for you all!

    ~Dee Downs 

Counselor's Corner

  • Hello Parents and Families!

    Our school-wide character trait for the month of February will be 'being a good listener'. This is such an important trait for all.

    Please talk with your student(s) at home and review what being a good listener looks like!

    Here at Greenville, being a good listener means actively paying attention to what another person is saying, not interrupting, having respectful body-language, asking follow -up questions, and responding thoughtfully.

    ~Miss Kacie
    School Counselor
    Greenville Elementary


Message from the Media Center

  • Hi, Greenville Families!

    Just a quick update from the library:

    AR: We gave away 137 prizes in January! Students earned them by reading and taking short online quizzes for the books they read. Our next quiz deadline is Friday, March 14th, and the prizes will be handed out the following week. For more information and links to AR, see our school website under “Media Resources”. https://www.ccsdut.org/Page/4677

    New Books: I am in the process of adding a Job Center to the library, where students can check out books about careers they are interested in. Each book contains information about what the job is like and what special training and skills are needed to be hired.

    Digital Citizenship: This month’s focus is on our digital footprint and identity. We use Common Sense Media for our curriculum. https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship   The objective for this month’s lessons is that “students consider the benefits and risks of online sharing and explore how a digital persona can affect one’s sense of self, reputation, and relationships.” 

    Thanks for all you do to help your students read to succeed! It’s a pleasure to serve them in the library.

    ~Emily Thompson
    Media Specialist/Librarian

Inclusion T-Shirts

  • Parents & Guardians

    Inclusion shirts are available to order! They are only $13 total and the money goes to support the EE classes. Orders are due by 2/10, and we will wear them for Inclusion day on March 5th. See the full design pictured below.

    Order Here: https://www.successfund.com/inclusion2025
    Anyone is welcome to buy them and support!

    Tricia Falslev
    K-6 Essential Elements Teacher
    Greenville Elementary

PTA Information

  • Join us in supporting Greenville Elementary on Tuesday, February 25th for a 10% Donation Night.

    Please see Flyer attachment

Important Dates:

  • February

    6th   PTA Board Meeting
                 @ 1pm

    17th   No School (President's Day)

    19th   School Community Council
                 @ 4pm

    21st   Spring Picture Day 

    25th  10% Donation Night
                 @ Texas Roadhouse             

    28th   No School (Teacher Prep Day)