Contact Information
Brittany Foster
435-752-3925 ext. 7605
Cache County School District Health Education Program
The quality and productivity of each person’s life can be enhanced through comprehensive, collaborative, and sequential health and physical education programs. Health and physical education provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to create and maintain a healthy lifestyle that promotes physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. Parents and community agencies are invited to share in the curricula/resources provided on this website as a means to develop health and success for all children in our communities.
Maturation Program
Cache County School District (CCSD) offers a maturation program to students in fifth grade. Maturation presentations and materials are approved by the CCSD Board of Education and taught by district nurses and the Bear River Health Department.
As part of your child's education, you are invited to watch the 5th-grade boys and/or girls maturation program(s). There is a separate video for each program. It is available online (as per Utah Administrative Code R277-474) for parents to watch individually with their student or to review before attending a maturation program when presented in your student's school.