North Cache

Summer Office Hours

  • Office Hours:

    Return on August 5th:
    Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

    Counselors return on August 1st:
    Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

    Contact Information:
    Phone: 435-258-2452

    Please call ahead to check availability as times may change.

School Registration is Online


    STEP 2- Pay School fees ($59 8th graders $64-7th graders  Reg fee +$20 yearbook not including electivesare easier and more convenient to pay using the  SchoolCashOnline option. If your student has an elective class change, please contact Melanie to adjust those  class fees.  (You will notice that a Dollar sign icon appears on the Popular Links bar on our homepage)

     Fee Waiver Application (Grades 7-12) Non-Waivable Optional charges: yearbooks, after school, summer remediation, or online enrollment

    EzSchool Pay lunch Free or reduced lunch Waiver If you can’t get access to the online form, come into the office and the lunch secretary can assist you.

    STEP 3-7TH GRADERS ONLY- Required Student Immunizations Verification. 

    August 13, 2024 Immunization Clinic 9 AM -12 PM will be available at the school (in the media center) or you can get them at a location of your choice. Completed immunization cards need to be turned into Registrar before school starts. Can be emailed to

    STEP 4- Student Schedules and Locker Information will be available on students' PowerSchool Accounts as of August 13, 2024

    New students to the district see CCSD Registration Page for registration information and steps.

    Back To School Information  Online (detailed)

     2024-25  Approved School Fees

    Student Health Care Plans/ Medications: 

    Students who have a school health plan, or medication that needs to be turned into the office, can drop them off on back to school night.  Our school health aide will be available to collect paperwork and check in medication from 4:30-6:30 on August 20th.  She will also be available to answer any questions about school health plans.  If you are unable to attend back to school night, you can drop paperwork off to the office at any time.  Daily medication needs to be turned in with the nurse, or the health aide.  You can schedule a time with the nurse before school starts, or come in between 9:30-1:30 daily to check it in with the health aide once school has started.  DO NOT SEND ANY MEDICATION WITH YOUR CHILD, IT HAS TO BE CHECKED IN BY A PARENT. If you feel your child is in need of a health plan, or you would like to meet with the nurse before school starts, please contact Beth Willardson.  She can be reached at 435-792-9275, or by email


2024-25 Handbook

  • Check out the School Handbook for Rules and Policies. click here

Important Dates

  • August 13, 2024 Students schedules and locker will be published on Powerschool (locker information is only available on a desktop)

    August 13-15 school will be open from 8am- 1pm for students to explore the school and find classrooms or lockers. (Teachers will not be available until open house on Aug 20th)

    August 13, 2024 CNS Immunization Clinic 9 AM - 12 PM in the Media Center  7th Grade Immunization Requirements.

    August 20, 2024 Open House 4:30 pm-6:30 pm-Come meet our staff and student's teachers, find their locker and walk around the school.

    Aug 22nd 1st Day of School

    Aug 28th 7th Grade Picture Day

    Aug 29th  8th Grade Picture Day

    Oct 1st Picture Make-up Day

    See the school calendar for more dates... 

Supply list

    1. Binder or Organizer: This is suggested for students to keep their class assignments and materials organized. Since backpacks are not allowed in classrooms, having a binder or organizer can help students carry what they need for each class.

    2. Pencils/Pen

    3. Colored Pencils

    4. Notebook/Paper

    5. Composition Notebook

    Remember that the specific supply requirements may vary from teacher to teacher. It's a good idea for students to check with their teachers to confirm the recommended supplies for each class. A list may be provided either on Back-to-School night or the first day of school should they require any.

Principal letter

  • August, 2024

    Dear North Cache Students & Parents,


    It is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for another great year at North Cache Middle School! We are all excited to have students back filling our classrooms and hallways with energy and enthusiasm.  We are FOCUSed on helping every child feel welcomed, connected, and part of our Bulldog family.  Additionally, we strive to challenge each student to grow their academic abilities and be prepared to be successful for their next education adventure.


    Parents/Guardians, I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward to working with you and your children.  We hope that you will utilize our NC school website.   For important information and dates, please look under “What’s Happening” and “Upcoming Events”.  We do our best to keep it current, helpful, and informative.


    It is a privilege to serve as your Principal and to be part of a community where parents/guardians, teachers, staff, and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships in an environment that values kindness and supports academic and social growth.  Thank you for trusting us to educate your child. I look forward to working cooperatively with you this year.


    As always, my challenge to each member of our Bulldog family is to “Be the DiffereNCe!”


    Cindy Parkinson, Principal

    North Cache Middle School


    PLEASE NOTE: Student schedules and locker assignments will be posted on Tuesday, August 13th. Please note: You must log in on a desktop computer to see locker combination.


    Click to download the complete letter containing dates and info. 

Student Registration/ Counselors

School Lunch

  • Students may choose a school lunch or bring their own lunch from home.

    Student ID Card

    • A student’s ID card is also their lunch card. Do not deface it. 
    • The ID should have their name, picture, barcode, and the current school year.
    • If a student forgets their card, loses their card, or just can’t find it that day, they can go to the lunch office at the beginning of lunch to obtain a pink slip with their name on it that will allow them to get lunch at one of the main lines. 
    • Pink Slips are NOT accepted at the Ala Carte line.
    • Pink Slips are given out 5 minutes after the bell rings for lunch
    • If a student damages or loses their Student ID card, they may purchase a replacement in the main office or the lunch office for $1.00. 


    • Breakfast - $1.75/day (Served: 7:30-7:55 AM)
    • Lunch- $2.35/day: Main Lines – Entrée Line, Sandwich Line, or Pizza Line
    • Ala carte items will vary in price. Items must be purchased with the student’s ID card; no cash will be accepted.


    To determine if your child is eligible for free or reduced lunch fill out the online application at (Free and Reduced-price lunch applications and information) 

    If you can’t get access to the online form, come into the office and the lunch secretary can assist you.

    Lunch Payments:

    Online payments can be paid through There is a $3 service fee when making payment through this service. 

    Cash or check payments can be made at the office. Envelopes are located at the main office window and at the lunch office.  Allow 24 hours for the payment to reflect on the account.  However, once the cash/check has been given to the office, the student can use the funds.

    Lunch Account Balance:

    • EZSchoolPay will have the current account balance.  You don’t have to pay your account online to view the account balance.
    • Lunch Secretary can look up the account balance.
    • PowerSchool will show a balance, HOWEVER, PowerSchool and EZSchoolPay make their updates at different times.  PowerSchool may not be showing the ACTUAL CURRENT balance.  
    • Best options for account balance are EZSchoolPay and the Lunch Secretary.

    Negative Lunch Account Balance:

    • If your student goes into the negative, we will hold their lunch card until money is added to their account.
    • The student will be able to get a pink slip from the lunch secretary which will allow your student to go through the main meal lines (entrée, sandwich, or pizza). Pink slips are not accepted through Ala Carte.
    • If your student is more than $6.00 in the negative, the student can receive a sack lunch from the lunch secretary or bring a home lunch.
    • If you have questions or concerns regarding the student’s lunch balance, you may contact the lunch secretary at 435-258-2452 and ask for Becky.

    Menus (Breakfast & Lunch)

    Menus can be accessed on our school’s website by clicking on the Quick links.

School Hours

  • Our regular school hours are

    Monday-Thursday from 8:00 AM - 2:45 PM 

    Friday from 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM.

    Attendance, including being on time for classes, is critical to a child’s success. Please help your child to be there and to be on time. We can’t do our job for your students without them here. Students who are consistently tardy are at a clear disadvantage and usually arrive feeling frantic and unprepared. Any student that arrives after 8:00 AM must sign in at the office. If your child is not present, please call and inform our school office at 435-258-2452 or 435-792-7729. Unless invited for a specific purpose, and in the interest of student safety, please do not drop your child off before 7:30 AM, as there is not adequate supervision. Also, please be sure to pick up your child by 3:15 PM in the afternoon (2:00 PM on Fridays).