Utah CTE Career Pathways
Career Pathways provide students a direct connection between high school and postsecondary opportunities or getting a good job upon graduation from high school. Students who focus on a Career Pathway acquire the skills necessary for entry into well-paid careers with potential for rapid growth, increased levels of responsibility, and a high degree of personal satisfaction. These pathways begin while attending classes in high school, and can continue at Btech or the university.
Pathways offered at Green Canyon High School
- Agriculture Mechanics System
- Animal & Veterinary Science
- Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition
- Plant Science
- Architectural & Interior Design
- Construction & Structural Systems
- Broadcasting & Digital Media
- Fashion, Apparel & Textiles
- Graphic Design & Communication
- Business
- Finance
- Marketing
- Web Development
- Programming & Software Development
- Pre K: Early Childhood Development
- K-12: Teaching as a Profession
- Hospitality & Tourisim
- Health Science
- Family & Human Services
- Personal Care Services (Cosmetoloty)
- Manufacturing & Production
- Welding & Machining
- Diesel
Please talk to your school counselor for more information concerning these pathways.