Graduation Requirements for Class of 2021 and Beyond: Students need to earn 26 credits to graduate from Green Canyon High School.
- English/Language Arts (4 Credits)
- 1 credit per year for all four years of high school
- At least 3 foundational courses and 1 Applied or Advanced course
- Mathematics (3 Credits):
- Successful completion of Secondary Mathematics I, II, and III or higher.
- Parents may request that students replace Secondary III with a course from the Applied or Advanced approved course list.
- Students who successfully complete Calculus have met graduation requirements in math regardless of the number of credits they have taken.
- Science (3 Credits):
- 2 Credits (from the five science foundation areas; Earth Systems, Biological Science, Chemistry, Computer Science, or Physics).
- 1 Credit (from the foundation courses or the applied or advanced science core list).
- Social Studies (3 Credits):
- 1 Credit United States History
- 0.5 Credit Geography
- 0.5 Credit World Civilization
- 0.5 Credit United States Government and Citizenship
- 0.5 Credit Social Studies Elective (LEA Discretion)
- Directed Coursework (3.5 Credits):
- 1.5 Credit Fine Arts
- 1 Credit Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- 0.5 Credit Digital Studies
- 0.5 General Financial Literacy
- Physical Education Health (2 Credits):
- 0.5 Credit Health
- 0.5 Credit Fitness
- 0.5 Credit Participation Skills
- 0.5 Credit Individualized Lifetime Activities
- Optional: 1.0 Credit Maximum (Team Sport/Athletic Participation*)
* Can be used in place of Participation Skills or Individualized Lifetime Activities only. Check with counselor for details.
- Required Electives (7.5 Credits)
- Total Credit Hours (26)
- English/Language Arts (4 Credits)