Handbook for Parents
North Park Elementary School
2800 North 800 East
North Logan, UT 84341
Phone: 435-752-5121
Principal: Jullie Payne
We regard you and your child as important individuals. The faculty and staff at North Park Elementary are committed to providing the best opportunities possible for your child’s healthy growth and development. This handbook has been prepared with information about important Cache County School District and North Park policies. These policies are intended to maximize instructional time and to keep students safe. Please take time to review it.
Student Motto: North Park Knights are safe, respectful, responsible, and ready to learn.
School Colors: Blue and Yellow
School Mascot: Knight
School Hours & Bell Schedule
Kindergarten through 6th grade Monday - Thursday 9:05 – 3:35 Friday 9:05 – 2:20
9:00 AM – Warning Bell
9:05 AM – Tardy Bell (School Begins)
3:35 PM – Dismissal Bell (2:20 on Fridays)
Shortened School Hours & Bell Schedule
Kindergarten through 6th grade Monday - Friday 9:05 – 2:50
9:00 AM – Warning Bell
9:05 AM – Tardy Bell (School Begins)
2:20 PM – Dismissal Bell
Students should not report to school before 8:45 a.m. Teachers do not begin their supervision duty before that time. This means students who arrive early may be unsupervised, making an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous situation for children. Afternoon presents a similar situation for children. Students are expected to leave the school campus by the time the bus departs (approximately 3:45pm or 3:00 pm in our shortened schedule.) Please plan with your children how they are to get home safely after school; bicycle, walk, wait for your pick-up, ride the bus, or go with a friend. It is hard for us to get messages to students after 3:00pm (2:15 pm shortened day) because of the number of requests. Please remind your children that school phones should not be used to call home to arrange playtime with friends.
We welcome parent involvement at North Park Elementary. For safety purposes, we ask that all visitors and volunteers enter the building through the front doors next to the main office to check in and receive a visitor’s name badge or sticker.
District and School Policies:
Several key school district and North Park policies are outlined in alphabetical order below. A more complete resource for reviewing District Policies can be found on the District website http://www.ccsdut.org.
Attendance, Tardiness, and Leaving Early: Classes begin promptly at 9:05 a.m. If a student does arrive late, they should check in at the school office to get an admittance slip so we can account for all students. When it is necessary to check a student out of school before the end of the regular school day, a parent/guardian or designated emergency contact must report to the school office to sign the student out.
We understand that there are many valid situations which require students to miss school such as medical appointments or illness. Please remember that parents are required to call the office to excuse students from attendance. An automated phone call will notify parents at 9:45am of unexcused absences that have not been called in to help us ensure that all students are accounted for each day. Whenever possible, parents are encouraged to proactively plan appointments and personal family vacations to avoid missing valuable school time. When students miss school, arrive late, or leave early, it may place them at a distinct disadvantage with respect to learning the skills and competencies that should be acquired during the academic year. (A student who misses 10 minutes of school every day will miss 30 hours of instruction during the year.)
The school may send attendance letters to notify parents if a student misses more than ten days. Parents who repeatedly allow students to unnecessarily miss school, repeatedly allow students to arrive at school late, or routinely check students out early may be in violation of the state compulsory attendance law.
Allergies: Please fill out an allergy form in the office telling us about any allergies your child may have. If dietary accommodations are needed or if medication needs to be kept at school, you need to get a form in the Office for your doctor to sign.
Birthday Celebrations/Special Occasions: We value the importance of recognizing students on their birthday. Each student will receive a birthday gift from the PTO and personal recognition from their classroom teacher. It is the board policy that parents should not send students with birthday gifts or treats for classmates. We also ask that parents do not bring balloons, flowers, or gifts to be delivered to a student in class during instructional time as they are a distraction to the learning environment.
Books/Other School Materials: Each student is responsible for textbooks issued and library books checked out from the Media Center. Lost or damaged books must be replaced through payment for a new book or repair. Students misusing materials, and/or vandalizing furniture, the building, grounds, etc. are responsible for repairs or replacement.
Cell Phones: Kindergarten-6th grades: Student possession/use of cell phones is prohibited as stated in the District policy. Communication from school to home will be facilitated from the school office.
Child Abuse/Neglect: The law places “duty to notify” on every person who has reasonable cause to believe that a child may be neglected or abused. School staff doesn’t not have to prove that abuse or neglect is occurring, but only have a reasonable cause to believe. Our school will report suspected abuse and neglect within the guidelines of the law.
Citizenship/Discipline: All students of North Park Elementary are expected to treat their fellow students, teachers and staff with respect. We believe all students must be held accountable for conduct that is harmful or disruptive to a safe and secure learning environment. Schools where parents and school staff work together are most effective. Please support our efforts. Students will be receiving positive reinforcement in the classroom for having good citizenship. Teachers and staff will be giving “Knight Shields” to students for weekly drawings. If a student is out of instructional control, or defiant, there will be a consequence and the parent will be contacted with either a note or phone call home depending on the severity of the behavior. Students may also lose privileges. If the behavior is chronic, a behavior plan will be created by the teacher, parent, and other involved personnel. Students displaying severe behavior or needing immediate attention, will be taken to the principal, and parents will be contacted. Due process will be followed as stated in the District policy.
Computers/Acceptable Use: The Cache District Acceptable Use Policy deals with students and their access to the internet. In summary, when attending North Park students are agreeing to the following rules:
Students will have access to the internet and may only use the internet at North Park Elementary School under the direct supervision of a teacher or staff member.
No one may use the school network for commercial purposes or financial gain.
Illegal or inappropriate use of the Internet is prohibited.
Dress Code: The Cache County School District has established the following guidelines to aid parents and students in selecting proper school attire:
1. Students should be clean and well groomed (hair, clothes, cosmetics). If safety is a factor, more stringent standards may be applied.
2. Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times while on campus.
3. Except for religious or medical purposes, hats, caps, and other head coverings shall not be worn or displayed inside school facilities during school hours.
4. Clothes shall sufficiently cover undergarments at all times.
5. See-through or net fabrics, halter-tops, off-the shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs, and muscle shirts (sleeveless/bare midriff shirts) are prohibited.
6. Shorts and skirts should be worn nearer the knee.
7. Clothing, jewelry, personal items (backpacks/bags, binders, bandanas, etc.), and skin shall be free of writing, pictures, symbols, insignia, or color combinations which:
a. Communicate crude, profane, or sexually suggestive messages
b. Displays drug, alcohol, or tobacco advertising, promotion, or likenesses
c. Advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice
d. Represent or give evidence to gang membership or affiliation
8. Metal accessories that present a hazard to the health or safety of the wearer or others are prohibited on school grounds.
Note: Shoes should be worn that are appropriate for school recess and P.E. (Plastic flip-flops tend to break causing problems for everyone). We appreciate you working with us to eliminate distractions to our learning environment.
Emergencies/Emergency Forms: Throughout the school year, students are trained to respond appropriately to emergencies. Practicing for fires, earthquakes, lock-downs and the like are important for the safety and wellbeing of our students. Copies of our Emergency Response Plan are available upon request. It is important to keep your emergency forms updated, both in the school office and with your child’s teacher. When your children need you, they need you!
FERPA: (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Parents have the right to review their child’s educational records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access. (The full policy can be found on the District website.)
Field Trips: We may ask parents for donations to help cover the cost of bus transportation and incidental expenses for field trips. Students are never kept from participating in field trip activities because of an inability or desire not to make a donation. Students are expected to follow the safe busing rules. Students who ride the bus to a field trip must return to the school on the bus unless they are physically handed over to the parent/legal guardian.
Food Service: Lunch and breakfast are served at North Park Elementary School. Applications for free and reduced-price meals are sent home at the beginning of every school year and are available at the school office throughout the year. Breakfast is served at 8:45 a.m. Students who eat breakfast are expected to make it to class on time before the 9:00 tardy bell. Students are allowed to bring lunch and beverages from home. Milk is available for purchase separate from buying a meal. Those students who are allergic to milk will be offered water. Food costs for students are as follows:
Breakfast- $1.40 Daily reduced breakfast - $.30
Lunch- $2.05 Daily reduced lunch - $.40
Adult lunches are $3.65. Please let the office know before 9:45 if you are planning on purchasing a school lunch. This will help us make sure we have enough food for all of the students.
Illness: If your child becomes ill at school or he/she arrives at school sick, you or someone listed on your emergency card will be contacted to pick your child up as soon as possible. Please keep your child home from school if during the previous twenty-four hours he/she has exhibited one or more of the following:
Diarrhea or vomiting, measurable temperature (100 degrees or higher), yellow to green discharge from the nose, severe or croupy cough that has not been treated, infected eyes, ear infection/ache, other contagious, untreated infections: live, ringworm, impetigo, pink eye, etc until approved for re-entry, contagious diseases such as flu, chicken pox, pneumonia, etc. for which the contagion has not passed or for which medical treatment has been in effect for less than 48 hours.
PLEASE, remind children to wash their hands often using soap and warm water. If your child has a long-term illness or injury, you may contact the school to ask for information on “home and hospital” services.
Medication: As per state law, school staff cannot provide medication for students. We also cannot monitor or participate in the dispensing of medication for students without a school provided “Permission to Administer Medication” form that has been signed by the parent and a health care provider. This applies to both over-the-counter and prescription medications. If your student has medical needs, please notify the principal for assistance in arranging for the school nurse to develop a school health plan.
Personal Possessions: Please put your child’s name on their clothing, bags, etc. Students should check for lost items in the lost and found container in the hall by the gym. Students should not bring toys, games, hobby cards, sports equipment, personal electronics, distracting accessories, or pets to school. Such items are often distracting, cause hard feelings between students, or sometimes fall into the wrong hands. Staff will not assume responsibility for lost, misplaced, or stolen personal items.
Placement: Parent Input forms for student placement are available for two weeks during the spring. Notification will be given before they are available. Parents are invited to share information they feel the school administration should know about their child concerning any special needs they may have. We strive to have classrooms balanced in the number of students, academic strengths, and behavior issues.
Playground Safety: Teachers will discuss playground expectations with their students, and students will be given instruction in the North Park Elementary student expectations sheet listing respectful, responsible, and safe playground behavior.
Reading: Reading is the first and most basic educational process. From kindergarten through third grade, children learn to read. Thereafter, students read to learn. Please make a family commitment to reading 20 minutes daily. Scholastic Reading Counts is a literature-based leveled reading motivational program used to reward students for reading individually selected books. It helps teachers keep in close touch with how successful their students are at reading chosen literature. Students read a book, take a quiz, and earn points.
Recess: Unless teacher permission says otherwise, or severe weather requires all students to stay inside, students are expected to go outside for recess under adult supervision. In extreme weather, appropriate inside recess activities will be outlined by the classroom teacher. Generally, if students are too sick to participate in outside recess, they may be too sick to come to school. Please make sure the school and teacher are aware if your child has asthma as the weather may be a concern for them. Please stress the need for hats, gloves, coats, and boots during the winter and please label all outside clothing. Parents will be called to bring dry clothes if the student gets too wet during recess. A note should be sent to the PE Specialist if your child cannot participate in certain PE activities.
Safety/Safe Schools: Safety is a 24-hour-a-day concern within public schools. Cache School District is committed to providing a safe school environment where learning takes place free from unnecessary disruption and danger. The possession of weapons, facsimile of a weapon, or controlled substances is grounds for immediate suspension or expulsion. (See the district policy on the website.)
School Community Council: The North Park Elementary School Community Council will be composed of elected parents and school staff members. As per the law, parent membership will exceed school staff membership by at least one person. We will have five parents, two teachers and the principal on the council. Elections are held each fall and notice is given by newsletter and on the website of when the elections will be held. Regular meetings will bring representatives from each group together to discuss issues and make recommendations related to school improvement and safe walking routes.
Telephone: Parents, please understand our need to keep phone lines open for emergencies and other urgent school matters. We are not always available to answer your calls because we may be answering a call on the other line, helping someone in the office, or handling other issues. Please leave a message or call back later if we aren’t available when you call. We ask that students not use the phones to call to get permission to go play with friends. Also, please know that the phones get busy at the end of the day and we may not be able to get your messages to students before the bell rings and they leave for the end of the school day. When possible, please make plans for necessary changes with your student before they leave for school.
Visitors/Volunteers: Visitors and volunteers are asked to sign in at the school office and wear their visitor badge or sticker while visiting any part of the school. Friends or relatives from other schools may not attend school with our students because of liability issues. Let someone at the school know if you are interested in volunteering.
Weather Related School Closings: For information tune your radio to KVNU 610 AM or KBLQ 1390 AM. An emergency announcement will also be sent via the district alert system to the email address and phone numbers in PowerSchool.
Safe Drop-Off & Pick-Up Protocol
Thank you for being safety minded first, and for helping us ensure that all students are safe at North Park.
The safest place for student drop-off & pick-up is at the curb and sidewalk of the designated drop-off & pick-up area in the north parking lot.
Patrons should not park on the street along 2900 North or 800 East for student drop-off or pick-up. Please use the safety of the sidewalk and curb in our safe loading zone.
Please maintain a speed of 5 mph at all times in the school parking lot and drop-off/pick-up zone.
Drop-Off: Parents should pull in a line as far east as possible without leaving spaces. Students can be let out of the car any time after passing the fire gates. Cars can then leave the line and exit to the left. Others should pull forward as far as possible. Students will walk back to the gate to enter the school grounds.
Pick-Up: Parents should pull in a line as far east as possible without leaving spaces. Students should wait on the sidewalk. The students will walk to the car; parents should not stop in the middle of the line to wait for the student. After a student is picked up, parents may pull to the left and exit the parking lot.
It is unsafe for students to exit or enter a vehicle before it has pulled up safely alongside the curb and sidewalk of the drop-off & pick-up zone. Students should also exit from the passenger side.
The school visitor parking area is reserved for parents who need to park their vehicle to come in to the school building and can escort their children safely across the parking lot and crosswalks to the school building and back.
All parents and students are expected to use designated crosswalks. It is unsafe to cross through the bus lane.
Students are not allowed to run across the parking lot to a waiting vehicle; parents must walk their child across the parking lot.
Never stop on 800 East and call you child to cross where buses are parked or to go across the busy roadway. This is never safe and is considered jaywalking.
Circle Drive: The circle drive is for buses only from 8:30-9:30 am, 11:30 am-12:30 pm, and 2:30-4:00 pm.
Crosswalks and Crossing Guards: In order to ensure that students can be assisted by our crossing guards, students should leave the building promptly after the dismissal bell. All adults and students should use the designated crosswalks. It is unsafe for parents and students to go across the bus lane/circle drive, and must not ever cross 800 East without using the crosswalk.
Bicycles: For safety, students must walk their bicycles while on school property, and when crossing the street with the crossing guard. They can park and lock their bicycles on the racks provided, and are encouraged to always wear a helmet while riding.Roller Blades/Skateboards: Students are permitted to wear rollerblades and skates to school, but they must be removed before coming onto school property, and not put on again until after they are off school property. Students should walk their skateboards on school sidewalks.
School Buses: The school bus and bus stops are an extension of the school. As such, the same expectations for student behavior remain in force while being transported on a bus. Students should respect the bus driver and all other passengers. Appropriate behavior is expected while riding it and waiting to get on or off the bus. Students will stay seated at all times, keep arms and head inside, use a quiet voice while on the bus, and they should not shout out the window. They will not leave garbage or vandalize the bus. Students must follow the directions of the bus driver at all times. Transportation on school buses is considered a privilege and may be suspended or revoked by the school principal/transportation department.