Canyon Elementary Title 1 Executive Plan

  • Canyon Elementary School 2008-09 Title I Plan

    Executive Summary

    Canyon Elementary School’s Title I Plan was developed to ensure that Title I funds are utilized to benefit the most at-risk students in accordance with federal guidelines.  The plan includes:


    A Comprehensive Needs Assessment that includes the following:

    -          2007-08 Math and Reading CRT scores listed by sub group and grade level

    -          Spring 08 and Fall 08-09 Grade K-5 DIBELS Benchmark Scores

    -          Fall 08-09 ITBS Summary for 3rd and 5th Grade

    -          Data from previous year’s Title I Plan to verify previous goals achieved

    -          Indicators of Quality Schools

    -          2008 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Reports

    -          District CRT Cross-Year Proficiency Data

    -          District DIBELS Cross-Year Benchmark

    -          Rank order lists


    An accounting of schoolwide strategies, academic strategies, and measurable goals to guide instruction:

    -          Uninterrupted grade level blocks of instructional time

    -          Attendance incentives

    -          Intensive small group explicit instruction, minimizing removal from regular classroom instruction

    -          Close the gap yearly between at-risk students and students on grade level


    Evidence demonstrating that instruction is provided by highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals:

    • Lists of teachers from Human Resource (available at district office)
    • Lists of paraprofessionals from CACTUS (available at district office)
    • Notice to parents of right to request teacher professional qualifications


    A description of on-going professional development.


    A description of strategies used to increase parental involvement:

    -          Volunteerism at the school

    • Parent Night meetings
    • District Parent Involvement Policy
    • School Parental Involvement Policy including names of parents and staff involved in development
    •  A sample Student Education Plan form
    • Monthly Newsletters
    • School-Parent Compact
    • District and School Parent Involvement Budgets verifying that 95% of available budget is distributed directly to schools.


    A summary of strategies taken to assist preschool children in the transition to kindergarten.


    Evidence of measures taken to include teachers in the use of assessment to guide instruction.

    • Individual Literacy Plans (ILP)
    • Professional Learning Communities (PLC)


    Evidence that students not at benchmark receive Tier I instruction and timely additional assistance through Tier II and/or Tier III instruction.

    • CCSD Instructional Triangle
    • Completed Tier worksheets from each teacher
    • DIBELS Progress Monitoring data sample
    • ILP meetings/forms
    • Paraprofessional schedule
    • List of extended day programs funded by Title I


    A copy of the Full Plan is available in the School Office