District Parent Involvment Policy - English

  • Cache County School District (CCSD) Title I Parent Involvement Policy



    District Parent Involvement Policy


    In compliance with Title I funding received, the Cache County School District shall do the following to support parent involvement:


    1. Involve parents in the development of the School-Parent Compact;
    2. Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist participating schools;
    3. Help build schools’ and parents’ capacity for quality parental involvement, including parents of preschool children.


    School Parent Involvement Policy


    In compliance with Title I funding received, each school served shall annually:


    1. Distribute information related to school and parent meetings in a language parents can understand;
    2. Distribute, collect, and abide by the School-Parent Compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement;
    3. Involve parent(s) of students receiving Title I services in the School Community Council; and
    4. Provide parents timely information about the following:

    -          The importance of involvement,

    -          Utah state standards,

    -          Curriculum in use at the school,

    -          Forms of academic assessment used to measure progress, and

    -          Proficiency levels students are expected to meet.















    Approved by Cache County School District Board of Education February 15, 2007