Title I Parent and Family Engagement
In compliance with Title I funding received, Cache County School District will do the following to support parent involvement:
- Involve parents in the development of the district plan (CUSAP), including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the district Parent Involvement Policy in improving the student achievement of the schools served.
- Involve parents in School Community Councils where Schools Improving Plans are developed and reviewed.
- Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist schools with implementing effective parent involvement activities that build parents’ capacity for involvement, with the ultimate goal of strengthening student achievement.
- Coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies with Head Start and other local programs serving families of pre-school children.
- Involve parents in the development of the School-Parent Compacts.
- Parents have the right to know the qualifications of their student's teachers and paraeducators. Please contact the school principal for more information.